10 shades of plastic nose surgery

Rhinoplasty is always at the top of the list of cosmetic surgeries with breast augmentation and liposuction. Many people try to correct the shape or length of the nose with rhinoplasty for various reasons, believing that this procedure is relatively simple and fast compared to other areas of cosmetic surgery. Is it real? We will reveal some useful nuances and facts about it.

Nose plastic surgery in antiquity

female face before and after rhinoplasty

The foundations of rhinoplasty were laid more than 2, 500 years ago. The first surgeons to opt for such surgeries lived in ancient India. Moreover, their age-old methods are very similar to modern ones. Hindus still keep ancient books describing methods for restoring the most prominent part of the face, which was often damaged by soldiers during wars. These manuscripts fell into the hands of English physicians in the 18th century, after which rhinoplasty became one of the most popular procedures in the cosmetics industry.

Not just for beauty

Although rhinoplasty is most often performed due to the desire of patients to improve the shape of the nose, it is also used to restore the face after serious illnesses, injuries and birth defects. Rhinoplasty surgery is sometimes indicated for those who have breathing problems associated with a misplaced nasal septum.

Goal definition

Everyone who decides on cosmetic surgery must clearly define the goals of the operation. This should be done before visiting the clinic so that the doctor can properly plan the whole procedure for optimal results. It is advisable to visualize the surgeon how the nose should look. As a sample, you can bring photographs or a drawing so that the doctor can consult the patient in detail. In this case, there will be more chances to achieve the desired result.

Doctor's Choice

Almost every cosmetic surgery clinic provides rhinoplasty services. Given the popularity of this field of medicine, the significant cost of the procedure and the possible health risks, it is important to approach the choice of surgeon responsibly. One should not just listen to the representatives of the clinic and trust their beautiful advertising campaign. It is useful to visit several similar institutions and consultations to make an easier decision. It is equally important to read reviews from real patients and independent experts.

The health institution must have the necessary documentation, and the doctor responsible for the operation must have certificates, papers confirming his qualifications. Recommendations from friends and acquaintances can also be helpful. High-quality plastic surgery costs a lot, so there is no need to rush and agree to suspiciously cheap offers and promotions. Before you decide, it is always useful to clarify and weigh everything well.

Cartilage and skin of other parts of the body

examination of the nose before rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty sometimes uses cartilage and skin of other parts of the body. Basically, it is done to enlarge the nose or restore it. Cartilage is usually taken from the ear or rib area, and skin particles are removed from the forehead. The doctor should inform the patient about such manipulations before the operation.

Traces on the face

Those who opt for rhinoplasty should be prepared for bruises and swelling on the face after surgery. The duration of their passage depends on the complexity of the operation and the individual characteristics of the person: for some the recovery process takes several days, while for others the pain and swelling can last for weeks. Usually, the doctor recommends that patients be on sick leave for about seven days after rhinoplasty in order for the muscles and skin on the face to heal properly. But it is optimal if the recovery period lasts at least ten days. Mild swelling and mild, occasional pain when pressing on the nose may remain after that, but gradually disappear. Sometimes, in order to heal faster, patients are advised to lubricate the nose area with fish oil.

Refusal of glasses and physical activity

This may be bad news for those who wear glasses, but after rhinoplasty this supplement should not be worn for at least a week. Otherwise, it may interfere with the recovery process. Another contraindication is physical activity, which should also be forgotten for at least a month after the operation. This is because an increase in heart rate can lead to new swelling in the nasal area, which will prevent it from recovering properly. Intense sports after rhinoplasty can cause pain, bruising on the face and bleeding.

Minimal pain

One of the most common questions asked by patients of aesthetic clinics is how painful is plastic nose surgery? This is especially interesting for those who have a very low pain threshold. But usually, after a proper rhinoplasty, the person does not feel severe pain. In the first days after the operation, he may feel discomfort and slight pain due to the manipulations and swelling that has appeared. Sometimes there is discomfort when breathing, as if something is blocking the air in the nasal cavity. But if two or three days after the procedure, the person has severe redness on the face, shivering, fever or incomprehensible discharge from the nose, then it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination to determine the elimination of infections and other complications.

delayed result

Many mistakenly believe that the result of the operation can be seen in a few days. This is not true. Although the changes in the shape of the nose will probably be noticeable after 2-3 days, the success of the operation can finally be judged only after a year. The initial swelling usually disappears after a week or more, but it will take about another year for primary rhinoplasty and about fifteen months for secondary rhinoplasty to get the correct shape of the nose. The length of time required to reshape the nose will also depend on other factors, such as the patient's ethnicity and skin thickness.

Great expectations

Everyone who thinks about rhinoplasty should remember that perfect noses do not exist. This will be confirmed by most conscientious plastic surgeons. And if a person has serious problems with the shape of the nose, then there is no need to place too much hope in rhinoplasty, so as not to be disappointed later. The procedure cannot always justify the initial wishes. Plastic surgery can partially correct the shape of the nose, but it will hardly make it so perfect that everyone likes it. After all, everyone has their own idea of beauty and it is quite difficult to achieve perfection with the help of a surgeon. And most importantly, the operation is not able to improve the inner qualities, energy and charm of the person: he will have to develop independently.